Living in the high desert has taught me to appreciate the changing seasons. When I lived in Altadena and Los Angeles, the seasons melded together into continuous sunny days. Occasionally the golden days were interrupted by a few days of gray skies or rain. But here in the high desert the seasons are distinct and change abruptly.
This winter, however, was long, cold, and refused to go away.
Today is the first day of Spring, but you wouldn’t know it by looking outside. Light gray clouds blanket the sky threatening rain.
The weather forecast for tomorrow is for more rain. Winter is like the drunk girl at the party, that refuses to go home before dancing one last dance.
Goodbye Winter, today is Spring even if it doesn’t look like it. Today, I will decorate my dining room table with objects that speak of springtime. So, get your last dance in, have one more drink before you go away.
Hello Spring, come in. Oh, don’t worry about her, she will be gone soon. She’s just getting it in, one last time. Come on in, let’s dance!
Yes Spring in the High Desert can be interesting. Soon trees will be budding and flowers sprouting. Enjoy the cooler weather.