I am sure you have heard the expression; I’m doing me! My second book entitled, “Finally, Doing Me!” is the story of four women who are recently retired and are determined to finally live life on their own terms.

Effie is married to her husband Monroe, who has been unfaithful more years than he has been faithful, but that is not why Effie wants to live her life without her husband. Effie has come to the realization that time to, “Do, me.” Is running out. After years of ignoring the indiscretions and living in a world where she manufactured happiness for everyone else, Effie is now seeking happiness for herself. Before Effie can tell Monroe that their marriage is over, an unexpected illness may not allow Effie to tell anyone that she is, “Finally Doing, Me!”
Mrs. Georgia Bennett is married to a man that has provided her money, a big house, vacations, jewelry…everything that she never had as a single mother of two young boys. For years, the prestige of being Mrs. Georgia Bennet concealed the fact that her husband Lawrence Bennett had no intention of being a father to her sons or help them to become men. Years of benign neglect of her son’s emotional needs results in Georgia’s desperate quest to have a real connection with her adult sons and their families. Georgia desire to connect with her sons, has her declaring that she is, “Finally Doing, Me!”
Leah is happily married to her high school sweetheart. After years of working hard to raise their daughter, buy a home, pay their bills, Leah is finally retired, but Big Joe will not retire until Leah makes a necessary change. The plans Leah has for her, and Big Joe’s retirement years may be spoiled by her daughter Jemila. Leah must risk alienating her relationship with her daughter if she wants to be able to say, “Finally Doing Me!”
Phoebe has long given up on living life, she is merely existing. After years of drug addiction, and the loss of her child, mother, and Tyrone she is afraid to move forward. After Phoebe has overcome drug addiction all she wants from life is banality. Phoebe finds comfort in the sameness of each new day and may have lived the rest of life in that condition if she had not had a chance encounter with someone that looked like her Tyrone. Phoebe’s boring little life is forever changed, forcing her to finally forgive herself and live life, so she too can say, “Finally, Doing Me!”
“Finally, Doing Me!” is the story of four girlfriends of a certain age, who live quite different lives but have managed to stay connected for forty years. The ladies get together annually for a girl’s trip, and it is on those trips that they learn of each other’s desires to live however many years that they have left on their own term.
“Finally, Doing Me!” is currently in the editing stage and will hopefully be published before the end of the year.
Doing you means different things to different people. It can be a positive or negative act depending on the others things that are going on in your life. If you are a young mother it is probably not the right time to "Do, you." If you are a young woman just starting out in life, this may be the best time to "Do,you."
I am excited for your feedback on this project and the answer to the question, are you finally, doing you?